Friday, October 12, 2012

Ideal Temperature

In a recent weekly challenge posed by my women's Bible study group, we were charged to think about what the ideal temperature would be in our homes and then to think of ourselves as the thermostat. The goal was to create an atmosphere that felt like whatever temperature we thought was best. As in, if Mom is cold and uncaring, the temp was chilly, or if mad and riled up about something, it was steamy. Get the idea?

Anyone that knows me would expect my ideal temperature to be on the high side, think mid-80s. Or a nice cozy 78 at least, all warm and snugly with a fuzzy blanket and bowl of hot chocolate. But I think I surprised everyone when I said upper 50s to low 60s.....

My explanation was this: imagine that it's been a long, hot, muggy August and September. You know that first cool snap, when you walk outside and the wind has shifted? You may get a whiff of dry leaves, a hint of rain, the faint smell of a fire in the fireplace. You get to break out the boots, a light jacket, maybe a scarf. You find that you have a little more energy, a spring in your step, everything has a newness, a promise of something great just around the corner. And then, yes, you do get to come home to a warm house, a nice cup of hot cocoa, and a cuddly blanket.

That is what I want to be for my family. A breath of fresh air. The hope that the long hard summer is finally over. A great change is in store. And then something warm to come home to. Autumn is and forever will be my favorite season, for those reasons. And I will strive to create that atmosphere for my sweet family.

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