Friday, August 30, 2013

Yes, it's been a long time. I make no excuses and have no regrets. If you knew my life, you would understand. I'm not making any resolve to start blogging more or anything like that. I'm just going to say:

I have bangs!!!

Long, side-swept bangs that fall over my left eye and into my face on occasion.

You may not understand why this is significant, but first ask yourself if you were a child of the 80's. If so, you may remember the thick, curled, hairspray, gravity defying "do-do roll" bangs. I had them, my mom had them, everyone had them as some point in time. Any they have left a legacy. Not necessarily a good one, not necessarily a bad one. But a legacy none the less.

The bangs never worked for me. My hair is straight, fine, and lays flat (unless pumped full of AquaNet so stiff that a West Texas wind won't move it). To top it off, I have a cowlick over my right eye that makes the hair have a weird upwards flip that goes to the left- nice obscure picture painted there. So, with this pre-teen failure at having the cool, up to date, curling iron singed hairstyle, I gave up sometime around 8th or 9th grade, grew out my hair and haven't looked back.

Until yesterday- when I went in needed something different. Something piece-y but not choppy. Something that didn't require a lot of product or time invested. Something that worked with my hair, that I could put up in a ponytail (sort of), and looked great.

That's what I got, and I got bangs (I still shudder to even say the word). And I love it. I was even able to (almost) re-create the look that Lisa sculpted for me and even took the time to show me, step by step, how to achieve.

So, for today, I'm a fan of [bangs] my new haircut, until they get in my face. Then I toss my head and wonder what I was thinking.

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