Monday, April 21, 2014


Yep, that's me! I'm not quite sure how it has been 7 months since my last post. Oh wait, yeah I do. I work 50+ hours a week and keep up with a two year old and a dairyman. At any rate, my preacher referred to something in his sermon last night and I remembered that I had this to say about it. And then I spent over an hour reading old posts and thinking, "I should still be recording our lives, no matter how menial and boring they seem." Also, a friend of mine, who quit blogging, cited the reason she started blogging was to narrate their lives to far away friends and family, and that she stopped because they all lived close now and were in constant contact.

So, I think I'll start blogging again. It's a nice way to reflect, to keep up with our lives, and to let my not-so-close family know what we've been up to. Wednesday's can be kind of slow for me, so the goal is to get a blog post in weekly then. Wish me luck!

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