Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Church Family LOVE

The past two days, I have really felt the presence and importance of having a supportive church family. I have witnessed the amazing power of love for your brethren, not first hand, but as a participant and bystander.

Two of my very best friends went through a nasty custody hearing for their two children yesterday. We don't know the results just yet, and I'll spare you the courtroom drama, but I'll just tell you it is heartbreaking. This has been on-going since last summer when their kids decided they wanted to go live with their biological mother, and we have been praying constantly and walking this journey with them.

Monday night, one of my husband's buddies called and said they were going to meet with the husband to pray. Scott came home and TWENTY MEN had shown up, all of the elders and deacons, a former minister, their close circle of friends that recently started a "raising Godly children" Bible study. They each took turns praying over him, praying for all aspects of the hearing, from the judge to the ex-wife, to all the witnesses, to the children.

Tuesday morning, nearly 40 church members showed up for the hearing. Most stayed until it was over (originally scheduled for 9 am, it got bumped back to 1:30 and wasn't over until 4:30). 40 members, somewhere between 1/4 -1/5 of the regular Sunday morning crowd. I wasn't able to attend, but it still overwhelms my heart that so many people care so much about this family that they would sit in an uncomfortable courtroom and stand in the gap for one of our own.

I took my friend "to get a coke" (Texas code for: "go to Sonic, get any kind of beverage and talk things through") later yesterday evening. Neither one of us had too much to say- the whole situation is just too raw and overwhelming to hash it out too much. But she kept listing off all the people that were there and the supportive comments they had made, the testimony on his behalf that had been given, the meal someone provided. All seemed like small gestures, but as a whole, they meant the world to my friends.

I keep thinking, "THAT is what it means to be a member of a church family." Showing that kind of love for your fellow church member, being there at their darkest hour, providing what they didn't even know they really needed. After seeing my church at work this week, I am 100% convicted that being a member of this church (or a church) is paramount to my Christian walk. Christ "laid down his life for his friends," (John 15:13) and I am convinced that to see this kind of out-pouring is the closest thing we can see in this world that even mimics Christ standing in the gap and dying on the cross for our sins.

These 40 people and 20 men didn't just show up and sit. Their presence conveyed a much deeper message to this family. It meant they have been praying over this situation for months. It meant they love all those involved. Maybe more importantly, it meant they will be there for this family no matter what the judge decides. Our friends have an army of people they can count on, and there were many more that would have been there if they could. I feel so honored and blessed to be a part of this family.

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