Thursday, November 19, 2009

Back-Blog Numero Uno

I promised to post my other numerous entries (okay, two) on this blog. Here's number one, written on Friday, August 21, 2009:

Okay, I'm new at this blogging thing, so we'll see how it goes, but I am so overwhelmed by the amazing bond that is holy matrimony that I need an outlet. This may as well be it!

It seems that each time Scott and I have gone through some phase of our relationship it has brought us so much closer. Each fight, each challenge in each other's life, each heartache, each time we could rejoice with each other. Getting engaged was so completely consuming, wholly satisfying, and exciting- we became a whole new unit together. I didn't have a clue that the actual act of getting married and moving in together would be so much more bonding- I guess I thought we'd just continue to be ourselves but we'd get to live together.

I was shockingly suprized and delighted to find out it was so much more. It's indescribable: the love I feel for this man and the love I KNOW he has for me is overwhelming- in a great way! I KNOW that this is God's will for our lives- to enter into marriage by HIS rules and abide by HIS guidelines. Our pre-marital counseling by David, Judy, and Jon was so encouraging- David outlined God's plan for marriage, the pitfalls newlyweds fall into, the red flags in relationships, and how to recognize how to show love and affection toward one another. We got in the truck and just smiled at each other because we had talked over 90% fo what they had told us and we were absolutely certain that we were doing right in God's eyes.

I know there are skeptics out there that will tell me we're still in the "honeymoon phase" and that it only goes downhill from here, but I know in my heart that what God has joined together, no man can part. As long as we keep God as our center focus and continue to follow HIS plan, we will do just fine. I can't wait to learn to love this man more and to begin our life together.

Scott's gift to me on our wedding day was perfect: a new study bible with my name on it- it made everything real to me and reassured me that we were on the right track!!!

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