Friday, January 29, 2010

Dear Clients,

Why must you always tell me what to do? Did you go to school for eight years and spend $150,000 to earn the title of Doctor?

Why must you wait to bring your sick dog/cat/horse/cow/pig/sheep/goat/cockatiel in to see me 15 minutes before quittin' time when I've been doing nothing for the previous 4.5 hours?

What makes you think that you can be rude to me all the time?

Why do you expect me to call you back in 9 minutes and 42 seconds with the results of blood work/x-rays/biopsies when it takes your human doctor at least 2 weeks to call back?

Also, why must you always speak to ME and not my highly trained staff? Human docs very rarely call their patients back.

Why must you complain when you have a brief 10 minute wait in my reception area? Name one time you were seen by your MD on time, even if you got to your appointment early.

Why must you gripe about your bill? And why do you expect to only pay $50 for a $600 stay in the hospital? You do not have pet insurance, this is a small business, and no, I don't have to treat your pet just because he/she is dying and/or wounded.

I am human, I have off days, and I will do the very best I can.

Give me a break!!!!!

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