Monday, March 29, 2010

Sadly, I found this draft and forgot to finish it- oops!

Okay, well, I didn't want the month of March to go by without an entry, so here is a brief update on our somewhat hectic lives:

We've been super busy at the clinic. It is officially calving season in Montague County and that's keeping us afloat. It's been kind of nice, because the monotony was killing me, but some days it is so hectic you don't have time to think. Then I get home and I'm worn out! Not much time or energy to excercize, read, or clean house.

On another note, the schedule at the dairy has changed yet again and Scott no longer has to get up at 3:30 am!!!! This means that I have a husband that comes home before dark (thank you time change) and has energy to be a husband until around 10:30 or 11!!! It's been really wonderful. I think we needed this a lot because life had been pretty miserable for several months (maybe since Christmas?)

We also went skiing together for the first time-- I must admit I was worried about this big trip. First of all, Kenton is an avid skier, favorite activity ever! So I was really worried that I was going to be a big disappointment to him when he saw how terrible I was. Second, I didn't know who I was going to ski with. Third, I haven't skied in 8 years and was terrified that I was going to hate it or hurt myself. But it turns out that Scott is not that great of a skiier and that Suzan likes to ski slow (like at my top speed) so it went well. It was a pretty nice break and a chance for us to get away as a family and relax away from the dairy.

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