My Facebook posts for the month of November:
11/1 Thankful for 5 months of a healthy, uneventful pregnancy
11/2 Thankful for the beautiful fall weather and impending cold front- puts a little spring into everyone's step!
11/3 Very thankful that my husband's dog, Re, came home overnight last night- he'd been gone for 4 days and Scott was beside himself- it was so sad!
11/4 Excited for a weekend road trip with my husband, even if I have CE most of the weekend. At least we'll have some good windshield time and Scott will have some down time.
11/5 (no computer access yesterday) Thankful for best friends that know just how to say what you need to hear.
11/6 Thankful for loving family and getting to spend precious time with them
11/7 Thankful for my husband, for more reasons than I can list
11/8 Thankful for the rain and thunderstorm I woke up to this morning, and thankful that Scott didn't get electrocuted!
11/9 Thankful for my church family, from the little ones that serve as constant reminders of innocence, to my young adult class in the midst of all this mess with me, to the wiser set that is there to be our living examples.
11/10 Thankful for days off to enjoy beautiful fall weather and a little down time by myself
11/11 Thankful to live in a country that is protected by free men and women that willingly defend our borders and freedom
11/12 Thankful for a God that established the sanctity of marriage, the devotion it requires, and the love it reflects. Congrats, Readings!
11/13 Thankful for God establishing his church, and the lovely people I worship with each week.
11/14 Thankful for my great in-laws (after watching monster-in-law for the first time) and an awesome extended family :)
11/15 Thankful for the convenience of grocery stores and restaurants
11/16 Thankful that my baby boy (and I) are right on track and healthy!
11/17 Thankful for my job, even though it sometimes requires me to be hot or cold, gross & smelly, and work long, thankless hours, at least I have a way to earn an income for my family.
11/18 Thankful for relaxing evenings with great friends.
11/19 Thankful for long naps with my hubby.
11/20 Thankful for an uninterrupted Bible class and worship service this morning.
11/21 Thankful for the rain!
11/22 Thankful for music :)
11/23 Thankful for Vet Students helping out on holidays on call!
11/24 Thankful for grateful clients late at night on holidays.
11/25 Thankful for warm memories that are making me miss my family like crazy this holiday.
11/26 Thankful to have finally spent time with my long lost friend and her sweet son!
11/27 Thankful for my sweet adopted parents from my church in Stillwater that surprised me today!
11/28 Thankful to still be well enough and mobile enough to work without waddling.
11/29 Thankful for a great report for my friend from her doctor- what an answered prayer!!
11/30 When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll, whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul!
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