Thursday, August 16, 2012

Goal Updates

Well, huh. Some goals going okay, others not so much.

Checking in as follows:

1. Decorating: Coleman's room is close to being finished. I need Scott to build me a wooden valance and put the Circle H brand on it, and finish his drawing, and bring the level home so I can hang some hooks. Then I need to print out some pictures and frame them and finish his chicken-wire bulletin board. One or two more touches and I'll be done. I have 15 more days. And counting.

2. Moving: I managed to get the green wooden shelf moved into the back room and set up and have a few books on it. Still need to get the stuff from our downtown storage and the little building at our old house. And then unpack it. :)

3. Exercising. Not so much. I do have to go to a wedding on November 9 and would like it if I weighed maybe 10 pounds less. I have just about 12 weeks until then and could maybe work my way up to a 5K by adding a 1/4 mile each week. Trick is finding time to do it when it's not 105+ degrees. Oh, and I threw my back out changing Coleman's diaper on Monday.

4. Breastfeeding. Going well. Have worked up to 4.5 ounces three times daily at daycare. Decided that 5 oz is too much for a breast fed baby. Have a small stash saved from his recent stomach virus when he wasn't supposed to nurse for a few days. Keep on truckin'.

5. Sleep. Cry-it-out sleep training went well, at first. He will only fall asleep on his tummy and only if he's sleepy enough. If he's mad at the world and doesn't want to be in bed, he flips himself over but not back. We did great the first week: to bed at 7, woke up once a night to eat, then slept until 6:30 or 7. However, due to vacation and illness, he now wakes up at 10, 1, 4, and before 6. I have been feeding him each time, just because I think he got dehydrated and obviously lost lots of Calories while he was sick- I think he's making up for lost time with a pseudo-growth spurt. For the most part, however, he goes down very easily and sleeps well. We will revisit this soon.

6. Stickers. Did I mention that we had 3 weeks of over 105+ degree temps? And that I threw my back out earlier this week?

7. Bible study & Quiet time. Combine that with number 8. being a better wife. I used my obsession with social media to help me out on these. First, I get a daily FB post with the link to today's reading from My Utmost for His Highest- very deep and insightful posts. Second, yes, I know it's taboo for a COC gal, but I listen to Christian radio in the truck nearly exclusively. Is it not better to have the lyrics of a hymn stuck in my head than a song about bars? It's not in a worship setting, but I need to make sure I'm not making excuses. Third, I read a book (on my iPad, no less) and have started following a blog by Sara Horn called "My so-called life as a Proverbs 31 Wife". I am going to, hopefully, host a bible study/book study with the ladies in my young adult Bible class. There is a lot of interest from my friends, I think we all crave that fellowship and closeness that comes from studying God's word with each other, and I think that we will all make this a priority. This book really spoke to me about being a better wife and has challenged me to come up with new ways to love my hubby and I find myself praying for everything much more. However.... I need to work on getting back to the source- to studying, edifying, and searching the Bible for myself.

9. Housework and cooking. Also part of being the Proverbs 31 wife. I am doing better with this, until this week when I hurt my back, which makes it hard to scrub the shower, do dishes, and sweep the dirt into the dustpan. You should see me give Coleman a bath. We've also eaten at home much more this week because I finally made it to Wal-Mart.

10. Make time for myself. I got a haircut last week. The week before I was sick and slept for a day but then went shopping with Mom for a few hours to get decorations for the house. The week before that we were in San Antonio for the week and I had lots of downtown. So while I haven't made specific time for myself, I have had some down time each week.

If I give myself an overall grade: C

On to next month.

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