Wednesday, August 17, 2011


July 16, 2011

Dear Baby,

Today, I found what I know is your heartbeat on my ultrasound at work.... I cried.

Tuesday, we had gone to see if we could see you and your heart the other day because I had a funny feeling and was spotting (and I was nervous). We found you on the U/S and could see a little flutter, but it wasn't very fast and we couldn't make ourselves believe that it was your heart.

But today, I definatlely saw it. It was beating strong and at around 120 beats per minute. What the medical world would call a viable uterine pregnancy. This. Is. Real.

You look all snug nestled into my uterus- like I'm already holding you. It makes me so excited and proud to be your mommy. I promise to already start taking care of you now by taking care of myself and staying healthy. We pray over you every night and hope for your strong growth and development.

We love you,
Daddy & Mommy

P.S. We'll take your first picture soon, promise!

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