Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Secret's out

July 6, 2011

Well, Scott broke the news to his parents and his sister. It wasn't exactly the earth-shattering "You're going to be grandparents!!!" moment I had hoped for, but the celebration came later.

It's been a little tough lately at the dairy, to say the least. It's been hot, dry, and very, very stressful on all of us. Scott's been a little more stressed than normal, I know because he's worried about providing for his new family. Long story short: under extreme duress, the heat of the day, and a crazy situation, Scott fell apart in front of his mom and sister and told them I was pregnant. They were caught off gaurd and already crying for another reason, so the reaction was a little stifled (although I know they wanted to jump up and down and shout for joy!!) Later, Scott's mom told his dad, and everything, of course, worked out for the better.

Apparently, the news has lit a fire under everyone and we're working for a solution to make the dairy more stable so it can provide for all of us. Other solutions would be fore Scott to find a part time job, another job in town, or to move the dairy, and therefore my job, as well. Fortunately, everyone is working together to be more progressive and aggressive in finding the solution. This makes momma smile.

Since we told his parents, I told everyone at work. I would have loved to keep it to ourselves for a while longer, but there are so many things at my job that could cause our child harm that it was very important to let the girls and my bosses know so that they can watch out for me.

My parents are coming for a visit in a few weeks, so we'll tell them face-to-face. Can't wait! Everyone else in the family will find out in due time, but we'll keep it quiet for as long as we can, at least through the first trimester. Once that's past, we'll shout it from the rooftops!

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